Saturday, 22 August 2015



JC Clarke

An author? Yeah, well I'm getting there, hopefully. 

I’m not really one for blabbing about myself, but I can give you a few starters, if you’re interested.

I’m a mum of four kids, two girls and two boys and I’m married to a wonderful man who puts up with my crap.

We live in an area near Southampton (UK) called the New Forest, which is very beautiful. There’s ponies, donkeys and wild deer and cattle all over the place, so it makes it very interesting living here at times.

I design for a living, but I am self taught, so I have a long way to go.

I’m a very down to earth thirty year old and yeah, I dabble with writing.

Looking for ways to stalk me...hehe...

Tell the readers a little about you.
I’m a rather sarcastic and slightly insane woman of thirty (ish) and I totally blame my four kids (and hubby) for my mentality lol. I live in the south of England in a place called The New Forest and I’m not too far from where the Titanic was built. I used to be a stay at home mum, but now I’m a stay at home mum who runs her own graphics design and swag business.

What genre you mostly write in and why?
I’m happy to write any genre that appeals to me. The only genre I can’t write (or read for that matter) is horror/gore. Oh, and I won’t write anything involving dino or tentacle porn. lol

Tell us your latest news?
With the kids going back to school soon (does a happy dance) I will really be focusing my time in pushing my business forward and taking on a lot more work. I’ll hopefully be writing more, too.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
Self confidence. I have zero amounts of it. Not just in my writing, but in my designs, too. I always find when writing, that I write for myself, so maybe people won’t like what I put onto paper. Will they hate it, is it too fast paced etc . . ?

What is your least favorite part of the writing process?
Fleshing out the storyline, adding descriptions etc . . . I love writing dialogue, but really struggle at descriptions. It’s all in my head, but getting it down on paper can be tough.

Describe your writing style in ten words or less.
Ooo, that’s hard! I cover so many genres . . . Eclectic, sarcastic, random . . .

Is there a message in any of your novels that you want readers to grasp?
With ‘Pain’, the content is pretty self explanatory. It’s all about a girl who’s fed up with the crap in romance novels these days. With The Northern Gate, although I don’t see it as a religious story, at it’s core, it’s about who mankind has twisted religion to suit their own needs, wants and desires.

What are your current projects?
I have The Eastern Shore ready for editing and I’m writing Carpe Diem (the second part to Pain) at the moment. Those are my big ones. I have a few smaller novella stories to tweak before they go into editing, too.

Can you share a little of your current work with us?
I have a few on the go, like always. The Eastern Shore is book 2 to The Northern Gate. It follows Tabitha now that she’s with Nathan and they’re not on Earth any more. It’s fun filled, but has some very serious points to it. 
Carpe Diem is book 2 to Pain. This story picks up where Pain left off. It centres around Princess and her Prick-a-Doodle-Doo as they find a balance to work, they relationship and other things . . . as well as the blog posts that readers have loved so much.

Are there misconceptions that people have about your book?  If so, explain.
The Edelyn Legacy (The northern Gate etc . . . ) is built on misconceptions. Man’s idea of religion, twisting it to suit his way of thinking, to suit his way of life etc . . . Religion, at its core, is nothing like how it was first intended. I’ve always debated several aspects of religion, especially with my mother and although I’ve been baptized into the Mormon faith (still Christian), I’ve always questioned everything about any faith. Some things make perfect sense to me, others really, really, don’t.

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?
Not really. Pain was very blunt and too the point. The second book should be out soon, hopefully, and then book three. After I’ve written them all, then maybe I’ll end up kicking myself about leaving things out etc . . .

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